When Evan was 9 years old (1996), we adopted 2 kittens. One of them was black and we named him Samson. The other one was part siamese and we named him Simon. Simon adopted Evan as his person. Whenever we were home with the cats, Simon was usually with Evan. He even slept with Evan on the nights that Evan was at my house. In the spring of 2005, we found a lump on the back of Simon's head. Evan and I took him to the vet and found out that there was really nothing that could be done for Simon other than to make sure that he was loved. Evan was so upset and wanted to know why it had to be his cat. We took him home and made sure that he had love and attention. The lump continued to grow. By the middle of July the lump was as big as a baseball and we knew the decision was coming. After Evan's accident, I knew that Simon would not make it long without Evan here so I made the decision. Simon was taken to the vet, put to sleep then cremated. His ashes are buried with Evan.
Evan cuddling with Simon when he was a kitten.
Evan and Simon snoozing in later years.

Evan and Sammy

Sammy when he was older.

When Evan was 12, we adopted 2 more kittens. One was orange striped and we named her Tigger. The other one was a tortoiseshell and we named her Snickerdoodle.


In 2008 and 2009, I discovered that all 3 of these kitties were sick. Tigger and Sammy had kidney problems and Snickerdoodle had hyperthyroidism. On September 2, 2010, I made the difficult decision to let them go so they wouldn't suffer any more than they already had. That day they joined Evan and Simon.
After Evan and Simon's loss, I did add more kitties to my family. My house will always have kitties in it and that's how Evan would want it.